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Use this endpoint to request for a customer's credit limit.

The limits object

Payload Details Attributes

AttributeData typeRequiredDescription
queryFieldEnumstringtrueThe query field used to get customer details. Options mobile, memberId, phoneNumber, NATIONAL_ID, email, PASSPORT
valuestringtrueThe value of the query field above

These Header details should used

Fetch credit limit

POST {BASE_URL}/open/op/customer/detail

curl request

curl -i -X POST '{BASE_URL}/open/op/customer/detail' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Noncestr: <none>' \
-H 'Sign: <sign>' \
-H 'Timestamp: <timestamp>' \
-d '{
"queryFieldEnum": "NATIONAL_ID",
"value": "12345678"

JSON Response

if the user has credit limit. The response will contain the following details

"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"redirectUrl": null,
"creditLimitInfo": {
"creditLimitNo": "KECL18052300000113",
"applicationNo": "KECA18052300000316",
"memberId": "1100100001746",
"productNo": "KE001",
"creditLimit": 44000,
"usedLimit": 0,
"frozenLimit": 0,
"availableLimit": 44000,
"currency": "KSH"
"baseInfo": {
"countryId": 1001,
"memberId": "1100100001746",
"email": "",
"imageUrl": null,
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"mobile": "254712345678",
"gender": 0,
"nationalIdNo": "12345678",
"passportNo": null,
"bvnNo": null,
"maritalStatus": 0,
"birthday": 9585232200000,
"registerTime": 1684395760000,
"createTime": 1684395761000
"success": true

if the user has no credit limit. The response will contain

"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"redirectUrl": "",
"creditLimitInfo": null,
"baseInfo": null
"success": true

The redirect url in response can be used to redirect users to signup page on LipaLater Platform

On error

"code": 500,
"msg": "invalid token",
"data": null,
"success": false