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Installment Plan List

POST {BASE_URL}/open/op/loans/{member_id}/getInstallmentPlanList

Use this endpoint to retrieve the loan installment plans for a particular customer

Curl Request

curl -i -X POST '{BASE_URL}/open/op/loans/{member_id}/getInstallmentPlanList' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Noncestr: <none>' \
-H 'Sign: <sign>' \
-H 'Timestamp: <timestamp>' \

JSON Response

"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"data": [
"id": 43,
"name": "Lipa Later Kenya 3 Months",
"shortName": "KE 3",
"minPrincipal": 2000,
"maxPrincipal": 5000000,
"numberOfRepayments": 3,
"repaymentFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
"interestRatePerPeriod": 5.5,
"interestRateFrequencyType": null,
"upfrontFee": 10,
"upfrontFeeCalculationType": "ORIGINAL_LOAN_PRINCIPAL",
"amortizationType": 1,
"transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1
"id": 45,
"name": "Lipa Later Kenya 6 Months",
"shortName": "KE 6",
"minPrincipal": 2000,
"maxPrincipal": 5000000,
"numberOfRepayments": 6,
"repaymentFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
"interestRatePerPeriod": 5.5,
"interestRateFrequencyType": null,
"upfrontFee": 10,
"upfrontFeeCalculationType": "ORIGINAL_LOAN_PRINCIPAL",
"amortizationType": 1,
"transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1
"success": true

Installment Plan Details

POST {BASE_URL}/open/op/loans/{member_id}/getInstallmentPlan/{installment_plan_id}

Use this endpoint to retrieve the installment plan details

API Request

curl -i -X POST '{BASE_URL}/open/op/loans/{member_id}/getInstallmentPlan/{installment_plan_id}' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Noncestr: <none>' \
-H 'Sign: <sign>' \
-H 'Timestamp: <timestamp>' \

Json Response

"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"id": 43,
"name": "Lipa Later Kenya 3 Months",
"shortName": "KE 3",
"minPrincipal": 2000,
"maxPrincipal": 5000000,
"numberOfRepayments": 3,
"repaymentFrequencyType": "MONTHS",
"interestRatePerPeriod": 5.5,
"interestRateFrequencyType": null,
"upfrontFee": 10,
"upfrontFeeCalculationType": "ORIGINAL_LOAN_PRINCIPAL",
"amortizationType": 1,
"transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1
"success": true

On Error

"code": 500,
"msg": "Data does not exist",
"data": null,
"success": false