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Loan Disbursements

Loan Disbursements

POST {BASE_URL}/open/op/loans/disbursements/

This endpoint requires you to have a fund with Lipalater that you want to access loan data about. The response contains information about loans and should be paginated. The default page size is 25 and you can retreive a maximum of 100 loans per request.

Curl Request

curl -i -X POST 'POST {BASE_URL}/open/op/loans/disbursements/' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Noncestr: <none>' \
-H 'Sign: <sign>' \
-H 'Timestamp: <timestamp>' \
-d '{"fundId": <your_fund_id>, "pageNumber": 1, "pageSize": 10}'

JSON Request Object

"fundId": <your_fund_id>,
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 10

JSON Response

"pageNo": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"totalRow": 36,
"totalPage": 2,
"list": [
"countryId": 1001,
"loanApplicationNo": "KELA0107240000000347",
"creditLimitNo": "KECL1206240000000220",
"creditLimit": 48539.00,
"availableLimit": 48508.00,
"customerNo": "110010000000744",
"principalAmount": 25012.00,
"currency": "KSH",
"loanApplicationStatus": null,
"loanId": 123,
"loanProductId": 46,
"interestRate": 4.500000,
"disbursementDate": "2024-07-01",
"loanTermFrequency": 12,
"loanTermFrequencyType": 2,
"amortizationType": 1,
"transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1,
"orderNo": "SO10010000001373",
"referralSource": 1,
"remark": null,
"createdAt": "2024-07-01 11:33:45.0"
"countryId": 1001,
"loanApplicationNo": "KELA1806240000000327",
"creditLimitNo": "KECL1206240000000220",
"creditLimit": 48539.00,
"availableLimit": 48483.00,
"customerNo": "110010000000744",
"principalAmount": 25000.00,
"currency": "KSH",
"loanApplicationStatus": null,
"loanId": 123,
"loanProductId": 46,
"interestRate": 4.500000,
"disbursementDate": "2024-06-18",
"loanTermFrequency": 12,
"loanTermFrequencyType": 2,
"amortizationType": 1,
"transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1,
"orderNo": "SO10010000001361",
"referralSource": 1,
"remark": null,
"createdAt": "2024-06-18 15:07:04.0"
// .... more loans

On Error

"code": 500,
"msg": "Data does not exist",
"data": null,
"success": false