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The LipaLater API uses the Client Credentials Flow(defined in OAuth 2.0 RFC 6749, section 4.4) for authentication and authorization. The client application is expected to pass along a Client Key and Client Secret in order to authenticate and receive an access token. To retrieve your client Key and client secret please send a request to and they will be generated for you.

How it works

  1. The client app authenticates with our Authorization Server /open/op/platform/token/ using its ClientID and Client Secret.
  2. Our Authorization Sever validates the ClientID and Client Secret.
  3. We will then respond with an Access Token.
  4. The client application can use the Access Token to call our API and our API responds with the requested data.

Authentication Request

Request to retrieve Access Token

Note: Authorization: Basic {base64 encoded string}. (The base64 string is a combination of Client key and client Secret. i.e key:secret).

curl -i -H "Authorization:Basic {base64 encoded string}" \
-X GET '{BASE_URL}/open/op/platform/token/'

Response from Authorization server


"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"accessToken": "{token}",
"tokenType": "Bearer",
"expiresSeconds": 300,
"createdAt": {timestamp}
"success": true


"code": 500,
"msg": "No credentials",
"data": null,
"success": false

Other Header Details

The following headers will be required in all other API calls

"Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}",
"Noncestr": {nonce},
"Sign": {sign},
"Timestamp": {timestamp},

Note: use Test Sign to generate nonce, sign, and timestamp